SOTA Optimization API 2.0

Tata Communications MOVE Intelligent Connected Vehicle Platform can switch networks to provide the best cost options for a given update. Giving vehicle manufactures the ability to have multiple connectivity options to choose from and seamlessly change connectivity services, to achieve the best results for SOTA updates. Provide health check and analysis of the quality of connectivity before SOTA update is executed, ensuring the (e)SIM is ready to receive the update, as well as selecting the best available network (per location), increasing the success rate.

Addition of three new APIs in current SOTA Optimization APIs. Added GET presence API in current version with SOTA Operations API of POST, PATCH methods. Where POST sotaOperations create Start-Finish request for Semi-Automatic/Scheduled Optimization option only, PATCH sotaOperations update Start-Finish request for Semi-Automatic/Scheduled Optimisation option only and GET subscriptionId by presence API returns availability(true/false) status of SIM linked to subscriptionId.

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